An End

I would note that this is not for the base brand, but for its "Platinum" high ABV version. Still, I tend to agree with the assessment that losing COSTCO is a big deal. Whether or not any lessons will be learned remains to be seen. 

Maybe, though. This is the first big corporate property to die, rather than just to suffer a temporary setback, as a result of this foolishness. We'll see if that's enough to get their attention.

If you remember the movie, this happened right after William Wallace sacked York. Immediately after this scene, Longshanks muses that if Wallace can sack York, he can come after him, too. 

Longshanks responds with aggression; will international corporations likewise? More censorship, more government oppression of parent teacher organizations and grassroots political groups? Or will they sue for peace? 


  1. I cannot express to you how deeply disappointed I am that Costco does not use an actual image of the Death Star for this purpose.

    Very nice defenestration, too.

  2. Speaking of suing...

    What if the parents of trans teens want to join the class action lawsuit against social media giants? The grounds would be similar. Instagram, tumblr, etc fostered a social contagion spawning the explosive growth in teens with "mental health problems including but not limited to body dysmorphia including but not limited to trans-gender delusions.

    Not sure what initials would be stacked together for cutters, anorexics, trans, etc mental afflictions, but I'm sure a good lawyer can come up with something.

  3. Gringo7:47 PM

    Which brings up the question: where will the ivy-credentialed doofus who pushed this trans-ad campaign end up? I believe she has been gently fired, but who will hire her now? Probably a university.

    It is good to see someone suffering for pushing Wokeness on us.

  4. But she stood up for the marginalised, and that's what's important!

  5. The Bud Light is still on the shelf at our local COSTCO and there is no green label Sale and no 'Death Star' asterisk. I guess this might be a feature of local markets, i.e. when something ain't moving, it's outta here? Don't know. My local store isn't a huge one, and it's fairly low-traffic compared to the ones in the big Metroplexes, that almost always have very full parking lots.

  6. You may be right. There isn’t a COSTCO within a three hour drive of here, so I’m dependent on reports.
