RIP Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson has died at the age of 93. Robertson is a sept of the Clan Donnachaidh, my own, which is indeed sometimes called Clan Robertson. As such I always thought of him as a distant relative. 

On days like this I am always taken a bit aback by the hateful speech that pours out of the mouths of people who I know think of themselves as tolerant, thoughtful, and decent. Indeed, mostly they are; they just aren’t immune to hate, even though in most contexts they would regard hate as the greatest of evils. 


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM


    Just cant forget the behavior when Rush Limbaugh died.

    "Liberals and Progressives Disgustingly Cheer the Death of Rush Limbaugh"

    Then I go and read this...

    "Paying People Who Despise You"

    Life with out Christ is cruel.

