Cowboy Fire/Rescue

In tonight’s episode, Grim rescues some horses that had found their way out onto a twisty mountain road in the middle of the night.

We were on our way back from rappeling training in Transylvania County when I saw some beautiful white horses (grey, technically) kicking up their heels in the storm. They weren't hard to herd home. A little push and they showed me the way to the gap they'd forced in their fence. Another push and they ran back in. I fixed their fence as well as I could with bare hands.

This morning I contacted one of our firefighters who lives in the part of the district. He said that he knows the family and will let them know to take care of the fence. Hopefully that sets it right.


  1. raven6:04 PM

    Coming back in the night from the mountains of Transylvania with ghost horses in the road....
    I have heard parts of this story before...

  2. It's great when neighbors take care of each other's stray animals.

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Arrrrgh, Raven!

    I did not need a story bit this afternoon. I'm already brain-tired from writing all day, around a range trip. Now the Schimmelreiter wants to find a way into the story. Noooooooo! :)

