There Was Never Any Russian Collusion

Nor, in fact, even any evidence of any.

This will not shock readers of the Hall, in spite of the multiple impeachments and the years-long Special Counsel investigation. We reported it on April 7, 2017. Even by January 6 of 2017, before Trump was inaugurated, it was clear that the DNC was not allowing its 'hacked by Russian' servers to be investigated by the FBI -- stonewalling obviously intended to forestall the Bureau from discovering the lack of evidence.

Yet the show was just getting started, and would run for years to come. Even to this day, there are die-hard fans; and thirty-year distinguished veteran Michael Flynn still lost his house, and had to be pardoned because the prosecutors and courts wouldn't let go in spite of the fact that he was always obviously clear.

After the jump, the FBI statement on the matter (language warning).

Figures they'd be 'Bama fans.


  1. The Russians didn't collude, but the FBI, the CIA, and the Democrats sure did. With a lot of media help.

  2. raven5:32 PM

    The constitutional republic is gone.

  3. Forwarded to a group including some liberals

  4. The haters are always trying to smear Alabama, the single greatest college football program in the history of man. Just another example of the war on talent and success. ;)
