Woke Walmart

I was just talking about this here the other day, but the Washington Free Beacon goes into more detail

According to documents obtained initially by families who requested public records, Walmart has been facilitating public school teacher training from the Racial Equity Institute, which also does Walmart's own internal DEI training. Walmart, or foundations funded by Walmart or the Walton family, has also facilitated similar training for other organizations in Arkansas, like arts non-profits, business leader organizations, the University of Arkansas, etc.

One aspect of Walmart's influence that the article discusses is the impact of being the biggest philanthropic organization in an area. Everyone who wants to curry favor in the hopes of getting grants will take Walmart's positions into account.

Walmart also donates to both major political parties, giving about equally to Democrats and Republicans.

However, a couple of things I didn't know is that, despite Walmart's opposition, Arkansas legislators in 2021 banned transgender surgery for minors over Gov. Hutchinson's veto, and newly-elected Gov. Sanders signed an executive order banning critical race theory in Arkansas schools. So, their influence has limits.


  1. The real problem with this stuff is that they go from “We want people to feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe living here” to “By August, teachers were learning that ‘perfectionism’ is ‘white supremacy’ and that ‘all our systems, institutions, and outcomes emanate from the racial hierarchy on which the United States was built.’”

    Couldn’t we just focus on the part where we want neighborhoods to feel comfortable?

  2. Couldn’t we just focus on the part where we want neighborhoods to feel comfortable?

    Whose definition of "comfortable?" Currently it's the oh-so-tolerant Left's I'm not comfortable until you're not comfortable ideology of their way or get out.

    No, I won't focus on the part where the Left wants neighborhoods to adhere to them.

    Eric Hines

  3. Well, Grim, you've failed to grasp the reality of the situation. As we can all see, comfort is both finite and inequitably distributed. Hence, the solution must be that we take from the overly-comfortable and give to the underly-comfortable.

    Or, to paraphrase: From each according to his comfort, to each according to his discomfort.

  4. Or, to paraphrase: From each according to his comfort, to each according to his discomfort.

    In that case, I claim my share of comfort from the Left to make up for how uncomfortable they make me.

    Eric Hines

  5. Indeed! Let's do that!
