Nice shootin', Tex

Four youths who need to turn their lives around charged into a convenience store in Houston recently and started robbing customers at gunpoint. One customer pulled his own gun and managed to shoot three of the robbers without being shot himself. Another customer was hit, but apparently not too seriously, and it's not clear whether he was shot by the robbers or whether the armed taxpayer missed. Considering that the good guy managed to hit three out of four armed bad guys, though, I'm guessing the stray shot will not turn out to have been his.

All four robbers ran out and were driven to a hospital by their getaway driver. Two are stable while one is critical.

I never heard what happened to the citizen who killed the robber in the Houston taqueria earlier this year. As of mid-January, the grand jury was supposed to meet, but I can't find any updates to the story.


  1. Nothing like good marksmanship when it counts.

  2. I spent a little time looking into the taqueria shooting. There is nothing about it in the news since January, and nothing about it on the DA's website one way or the other. It's possible the grand jury declined to indict, and since those records are sealed we just might never know. The shooter wanted to remain anonymous, which for some reason the news organizations and police both went along with; my guess is that it would be hard to get someone indicted for shooting an armed robber in Houston, Texas.
