I'll Allow It

Wretchard asked Chat GPT-4 who he was, to see what it knows. It's a plausible thing to do; what it knows is the internet, and we've published a great deal of content on the internet. 

I decided to try it too, since I was messing with GPT last week. 

Close enough for government work. 


I decided to try again, clueing in the GPT bot that I was asking about a blog. It was under the impression that the blog had closed, when in fact its own database ceases. However, it characterized the philosophy of the blog in this way:

That's actually a pretty good summary.


  1. Eric Blair4:48 PM


  2. That's actually a pretty good summary.

    And likely too close for government work.

    Eric Hines

  3. " ... it is believed that souls who are not chosen to go to Valhalla must pass through Grim's Hall to reach the afterlife."

    Oh, so that's how I ended up here! :-D

    It's kind of a Viking purgatory, then.
