The Fed Has Surprises Coming

J. P. Morgan's discussion of forthcoming Fed policies leads with Ezekiel 25:17.

The NYT's daily morning reader was all about this subject as well. Inflation must come down; that means demand must be destroyed. That means higher interest rates, which will increase unemployment, which will destroy demand. It's going to suck, especially for you people who don't work for a central bank.


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    End the Fed. End Fiat Money.
    Fire the Fed, No Retirements, No Pensions.
    No special appointments for the chosenites.

    No Fat Government Pensions, Just ceremoniously dump em
    for there utter failure to support the American People and do there jobs.


  2. Well.... I guess we know it's bad when the pundits start resorting to the bible for their market analysis. At least it wasn't the Book of Ezekiel or Judges.

  3. It was, though.

  4. I believe it was First Samuel L. Jackson.
