Senator Actually Works for 5 Hours

...declares national emergency.


  1. What if ... just spit-balling here, not laying down my soul's marker or anything ... what if there were some sort of federal national country-wide super-union where only members of that union were allowed to hold jobs, but the jobs were safe and certain minimum legal protections were in force and enforced, and if any scabs tried to come into the country, they'd have to cross some sort of, like, picket-line and risk having union workers beat 'em up? And any employers who hired scab labor were subject to punishments from the super-national union organization from above and local worker pickets and action from the grass roots?

    We could call membership in the super-union "citizenship" and we'd call the picket line a "border" and we'd be nice and politically correct and refer to the scabs merely as "illegals", I suppose.

  2. @ J Melcher - very good analogy. But you hope to reason with people who are feeling rather than thinking, and already believe that these illegals aren't really illegal because, you know, they look like other people and they are here and stuff.

  3. "Every Immigrant A Wanted Immigrant." (I'll be using that line again soon.)
