Fifty Dead in San Antonio

There's a lot of noise coming out of DC and NY like always, but this is objectively the biggest story in the country today in spite of a relative lack of news coverage. I'm linking to a site from the trucking industry.
Officials say that the number of people who perished in a hot trailer in San Antonio on Monday has risen from 46 to 50 people, with 48 people pronounced dead at the scene and two other people dying in hospital care after suffering from heat related illness...

While the vehicle involved bears the colors and DOT number of Alamo-based Betancourt Trucking and Harvesting, company leaders say that the vehicle information was “cloned” or illegally copied. They say that their truck has been used to haul grain from Harlingen to Progreso and has not been in San Antonio recently, and that their trailer is in the company lot.

“Our [refrigerated trailer] is sitting right in the yard. That one in San Antonio is not our trailer,” Felipe Betancourt Jr told San Antonio Express-News.
These human smugglers have the resources not just to steal a truck but to repaint it exactly like another one whose data they steal and copy. If you saw it on the road you'd think it was a grain truck, and if you had the ordinary cop resources to run the tags and such you'd still think it was a grain truck -- one properly registered to a good company that has proper manifests and pays its taxes. 

Meanwhile, these criminals don't care if they kill dozens of people in order to extract a little wealth from them for making the journey, and a little more from the people they are trafficking them to on the other end. That's a part of the story we're missing: they were going somewhere, with jobs lined up from people who don't care that they put people at these kinds of risks just so they, the employers, don't have to pay market wages to American workers. 

A lot of people should be rounded up and hanged for this, and not just the cartels who back the smugglers. 


  1. We consider it illegal to own child pornography or snuff films, even if you had nothing to do with making them. Creating the market for others to do evil is itself a form of evil.

  2. I absolutely agree on hanging these kinds of evil-doers.

    I recognize that puts me in a category the prevailing opinion-makers consider "evil".

    I wonder if your or my emotional outbursts advocating this policy preference remain "protected free speech" or are subject to the restrictions applicable to "incitement" and "hate speech".

    I am offered a "captcha" box in which to declare my lack of identification with the robo-sentient community.

  3. I figured we'd have a trial first. I don't see that prison is doing much of its promised reforming of such people, and it's pretty expensive to boot. Hanging is cheap and traditional.

  4. As for the hiring parties on THIS end: you probably only have to hang one or two. Word spreads fast.
