A Good Scouting Story

It's been a long time since I heard anything but bad news about the Boy Scouts of America, but the Washington Post today has a story of a 15 year old Scout who escaped from the wreckage of the recent Amtrak derailment to comfort the dying truck driver.


  1. Paywall, so can't read even with 'print preview'. But I get the idea and am glad of it. One can be disheartened seeing the infiltration of children's groups like the Scouts by pedophile scandal, Pride and Drag Queens and other unfortunate, unhealthy distractions.

  2. Yes, the last story I'd heard about the Scouts was about them leading a Pride march, followed by a team of naked gay bikers.

    Which, I don't have a particular problem with bikers of any sort, though I don't understand putting your bare legs down near those hot pipes. I tried that once in Florida wearing swimming trunks and learned that I always want blue jeans and leather boots down there. I'll change at the beach.

    Still, I'd think anyone would want to create a wall of separation between the Children's Group Marching with Patriotic Apparel and the Saturnalia of Flesh Festival. It's disheartening, as you say, to see that so much of the culture is running the other way.

  3. It's a good story. I didn't get the paywall, not sure why.

  4. Appleton, WI (!!!) kids, had just been at Philmont, the Boy Scout property in New Mexico. That property was donated by the Phillips Petroleum fam.
