Good to Know

"The mere advocacy of political or social positions, political activism, use of strong rhetoric, or generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics does not constitute domestic violent extremism or illegal activity and is constitutionally protected."
From a new DHS memo.


  1. Wellllll, we knew that. I wonder what brought this clarification on?

  2. That obviously is true for positions expressed by people with approved political affiliations. If you're a Republican who suggests that we'll have to fight for our country if we expect to continue to have one, all bets are off--even if the context is urging a "peaceful protest." The word "fight" is such a powerful metaphor in that case that it qualifies as unlawful violence. On the other side of the aisle, however, literal violence is an understandable expression of sadness and passion on an important issue, and the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of deplorables.
