Daily dose of lunacy

You may not know that the problem with the Democratic Party is that it's too policy-based and rational. Poor things, they can't compete with the Right's ninja-masters of emotional manipulation. This Politico article explains that Democrats need to get angry to win. Maybe some riots? Some shrieking at the sky in online videos? No more Mr. Nice Guy Wonk. Spitballing here: there could be an issue with policy-based persuasion if the audience doesn't fully appreciate the fabulous results of the policies so far. If your opponent can generate rage and fear in the electorate by simply pointing to the effect of your recent initiatives in the core areas of our lives, the problem may not be the the unfair use of rage and fear in the politics of persuasion. I'll leave for the imagination of the reader the question whether the current batch of Ds could be said to favor gonads over gray matter more than any political movement in human history.


  1. re Emotional Manipulation, see Confessions of a Social-Justice Meme Maker:


    and some related thoughts:


  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I read that this morning and rolled my eyes. The party of pink kitty-cat hats and screaming epithets to prevent people from voicing contrasting opinions needs to "get angrier."

    Oh well, at least people are not being caned in the Capitol Building. Yet.


  3. I assume some of them must believe it, that they have been the good people not sinking to the level of their opponents. But it has not been true for the 50+ years I have been politically aware, and at least some of them must know that.
