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Defense One:
In his recent démarche to the U.S. demanding an end to military support for Ukraine, Putin has helpfully provided a list of those capabilities Russia most fears. The U.S. should treat this message not as a Russian ultimatum but rather as a Ukrainian shopping list.


  1. "...but also begin arming Ukraine with M1 Abrams main battle tanks and other maneuver capabilities to drive Russia from Ukrainian soil once and for all."
    I'm not sure you can just throw guys into an Abrams and roar off into battle, I'd think there's a bit of training time required, and not just for the tankers, but armor's support infantry as well.

  2. but armor's support infantry as well.

    And the folks charged with maintaining/repairing the tanks, along with the logistics personnel charged with keeping the maintainers supplied with parts and tools, and the tanks supplied with consumables.

    But all of that training can go in parallel, and with folks already experienced in those areas generally, the training link should be relatively short.

    Eric Hines

  3. can just throw guys into [a tank] and roar off into battle, I'd think there's a bit of training time required...

    The Russian experience is proving that well enough. They have, or had, plenty of tanks.
