

  1. I wish I thought anyone was persuadable, but in my experience, no one will even listen to anything that falls outside whatever they've already decided about the election. Those who might be wrong cannot admit it lest they find themselves suckers, and so nothing will ever come of any of this, I fear, short of a video of a planning session with a big name saying that's what they're doing in no uncertain terms, which will never happen.

  2. I think the votes in the middle erode. We're already seeing some of this.

  3. What do you mean, "the votes in the middle erode"? I've never heard that terminology before.

  4. I just mean that there is a big squishy category of "moderate" voters who haven't made up their minds about much, and they do tend to react to news of this kind. It shows up in polling. The "independent" vote for progressives has been in freefall for almost a year now. Hard-core progressives don't have a controlling vote; they need the independents to side with them, just as Republicans do.

  5. That's an interesting and fair point.
