Speaking the truth

There's a new genre of "how I transformed from a leftist to a conservative" stories, all fascinating, but this is one of the most harrowing and thoughtful I've read.
Because of my experiences, and the newly fashionable denial of reality being promoted by progressives, I find myself sitting with the politically homeless. For now, we are all retreating to old-fashioned liberalism with unlikely new friends—an exodus to a land none of us can see. This divergent group of progressive dissenters won’t find a land flowing with milk and honey, but we might find a place to speak the truth, to cling to those who belong to us, and protect the vulnerable. I’m not sure there is any higher purpose to politics anyway.


  1. Got a link to the original story? I'm intrigued.

  2. This is the link - interesting, powerful essay:


  3. Ex-progressives can end up in a lot of places. They might become libertarians, conservatives, or decide that single issues rather than general liberalism are their focus. They might decide to become uninvolved, or more religious instead. It is part of the Marxist either-or framing that keeps them on the reservation so long, that if they leave progressivism they go out into the abyss, with nothing but conservatives (insert horror stories of the worst conservatives here) as companions.

    As many are social creatures who take their cues from the group, it may be even harder for them to go to small circles - and of course they don't want the larger conservative one. They worry whether this group or that group shall be in charge of us all. (There are conservatives who think this way as well.) The idea that no one is in charge and we all have to make our way as best we can is frightening.

    The main thing is to get out. Reassure them that there are many landing places.

  4. Skipped the link! Sorry, it's there now.
