All Things Censored

When we lived in China more than twenty years ago, I used to punish bad students by making them stand up and sing their national anthem. Being singled out and made a display was the punishment; I picked the anthem because I figured they couldn’t get in trouble for singing it. 

Apparently that has changed

Particularly bold students would try to defy me by singing some live song or something instead. They thought I couldn’t tell, which would have been true except for the reaction of the other students. I couldn’t have cared less, though. 


  1. Favor: please weigh in on Pen Gun's comment under my "Long Covid" post. I think our chances of influencing him politically are near zero, but this might be a toe in the door.

  2. The last time I weighed in on him I threatened to drag him out by his hippie ponytail. But ok, if you wish.

  3. Thanks. Good comment. He may be as impervious to insult as he is to logic, but I do notice a change in response to pleasant response. Which should be a lesson to me but probably won't be.
