Wisconsin Special Counsel: Election Was Crooked

D29 is more on top of this story than I have been, but the report is out now and it has some pretty substantial findings.

The topline finding in the press has been that the use of 'Zuckerbucks' to selectively influence turnout was illegal bribery. Of more importance, but much less interest to the press, is that the use of ballot dropboxes was (a) illegal, and therefore (b) unconstitutional, and also (c) sufficient to change the outcome of the election in Biden's favor.

Of still less interest has been the 100% turnout rate in nursing homes, which is a surprising and unlikely figure.

But there's also this, on the subject of the machines themselves:
The OSC was able to identify, through the reports of experts, that the failed machine recorded two anonymous and unauthorized access events from its VPN. This means, contrary to what Dominion has publicly stated, that at least some machines had access to the internet on election night. Shortly after the unauthorized access was recorded, the machine failed and was reset, wiping all voting history and forcing that election administrator to rely on unverifiable paper printouts from the failed machine. 
ESS machines were equally problematic. The central problem is that several of the machines are made with a 4G wireless modem installed, enabling them to connect to the internet through a Wi-Fi hotspot. One municipality under investigation in Wisconsin by the OSC admitted that these machines had these modems and were connected to the internet on election night. The reason given was to “transmit data” about votes to the county clerks.

The OSC learned that all machines in Green Bay were ESS machines and were connected to a secret, hidden Wi-Fi access point at the Grand Hyatt hotel, which was the location used by the City of Green Bay on the day of the 2020 Presidential election. The OSC discovered the Wi-Fi, machines, and ballots were controlled by a single individual who was not a government employee but an agent of a special interest group operating in Wisconsin. (pp. 13-14)
The report says that it is not in the Special Counsel's competence to challenge or revoke certification of the election, but they went to the trouble of including an appendix explaining how it could be done if elected officials decide to do so.

UPDATE: Rasmussen Reports notes that there is documentation of a similar operation in a ballroom in Arizona.


  1. The Pubbie Patty-Cake Party is in deep doodoo over this, and there's a "special meeting" being held--FAR FROM the Waukesha/Washington/Ozaukee Counties' Republicans--to decide who is going to take the fall for this, and (maybe) if the pubbies are finally going to stop playing patty-cake with the lying snakes which make up the entire Democrat Party.

    All the yammering about "poll observers" is silly, by the way. I've done that job, and the 'warm spit' analogy comes immediately to mind.

    One Pubbie rep has pushed through a bill allowing clerks to begin the tally of early/mail-in votes the day before E.D., thinking (if you call it that) that the Democrat clerks in Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha will NEVER look at the NUMBERS on those tallies and call in their operatives to make up the difference. NEVER! LORDY!!

    She's nice--I met her--but she's an idiot. Thank God it hasn't gone through the Senate.

    The complaint? The poor, poor, city clerks had to stay up WAAAAAY past their beddy-bye time every couple of years.

    This country fought through WWII and these "adults" can't handle a late night for which they SOUGHT the JOB?

  2. I think I've said before I think Stalin was right. Probably why that quote lives on, whether he really said it or not.

    Ultimately, the people collecting and counting the votes have put the fairness of the process and public confidence in the result over whatever partisan advantage they gain by being the processors. Incentives and disincentives matter but people sufficiently familiar with the process will always find loopholes to take advantage of.

  3. Wisconsin is perhaps the worst in the country generally, though other places get the press. I still think Kerry stole Wisconsin, mostly from Milwaukee misbehavior, in 2004.

  4. Not only that. Walker loyalists insist that Evers stole that election, too--with a 'trial run' of the methods used in '20. Since Wisconsin is a VERY purple State, that contention cannot be waved off as 'improbable.'
