This Would Be A Good Year to Plant A Garden

Thirteen percent of global calories won't get raised this year due to the war in Ukraine.

The US has an option here: suspend ethanol for the year, and use that corn for food instead. That violates the dearly-held Green policies of the current administration and those in power in Congress, however. 


  1. VietNam, re-phrased: "We have to starve the masses in order to save the masses."

  2. The Biden-Harris administration also refuses to produce energy domestically, which would drive down costs, including the cost of food, all in the name of the Precious Ones' climate bleating.

    So Biden-Harris is desperate to buy oil from our enemies.

    Eric Hines

  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

    It shouldn't bother the greenies because it is counter-productive: With current production methods, use of ethanol fuel is at least 24% more carbon-intensive than gasoline.
