

1 comment:

  1. The GOP and the conservative commentariat has really dropped the ball here.

    A legislative hearing of a judicial nominee ought really to tie the question to matters of law and interpretation, with concrete examples.

    SO, judge, if you have no firm definition of "woman", when a case comes before you and the precedent cites a "woman's right to choose" is there any more weight given a woman's right than any other citizen's rights>?

    When a case is brought challenging a law that asserts, or assumes, "marriage" consists of a contract between one (and only one) man and one (and only one) woman, do you find the lack of definitions of those terms problematic?

    If this legislature authorized a return to the military draft for all citizens within a certain age range, except women, would Lia Thomas be undraftable? While we're about it, can Congress authorize the draft among appropriately aged (and gendered) "Dreamers" -- long-time resident non-citizens who have enjoyed the privileges and protections the US afford our people?

    Scoring the debate by "gotcha" moments quoted on CNN or FOX is no way to debate policy.
