Targeting for Political Reasons

A wife of a January 6th detainee claims that she and other family members are being targeted by the FBI. That's plausible; putting pressure on family is a classic method of breaking people you're trying to get to plea so you don't have to prove your charges in court. That's how they got Mike Flynn, for example: by threatening charges against his son if he wouldn't plea. 

Meanwhile, in Michigan, we see the 'plot to kidnap the governor' turning on the testimony of FBI agents who were deeply involved in planning the alleged plot -- agents who hated Trump a whole lot.

Trump is not the issue; I'd prefer if he didn't run again. The FBI is proving itself to be too dangerous to survive. Whenever there's a chance for reform, it should be disbanded.


  1. Whenever there's a chance for reform, it should be disbanded.

    And not just disbanded, I say. All FBI personnel above the rank of line Agent (whatever that title is) should be returned to the private sector, not reassigned elsewhere in the Federal government. They also should lose their law licenses, their law enforcement certifications, and their weapons carry permits.

    Let them reapply and re-earn their law licenses, their law enforcement certs, and their carry permits IAW the laws of the State(s) to which they relocate.

    The basic agents might be usable as the core of a new, created-from-scratch Federal law enforcement agency (FLEA).

    Critical to that last, though, is a parallel severe culling of Federal-level criminal laws. We have way too many, and with a proper number, a vastly smaller FLEA would be both sufficient and safer for our nation.

    Addendum: the existing FBI has a pretty good crime analysis capability; that should be preserved.

    Eric Hines

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Speaking of being Targeted for Political reasons........

    You Tube banned this Video so please spread this far and wide


  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Did you see this? The Best possible outcome for the American people would be Nuremberg-style tribunal to prosecute & execute USA BIO-TERRORIST LIARS.

    U.N. Security Council Meeting on Ukraine
    The United Nations Security Council meets at Russia’s request to discuss claims of military biological activities by the USA in Ukraine. 2 hours

  4. The UN is just as useless for controlling the US as it is with Russia or China.

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Another few Takes...

    1. Crisis in UKRAINE: What is really going on - Michael Matt Viseo

    2. The Real War....

    3. Him Them Us.......

    4. Abp. ViganĂ²: Globalists have fomented war
    in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the
    New World Order (24 Pages of pure truth)Abp. ViganĂ²: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the
    New World Order (24 Pages of truth)


  6. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The UN is just as useless for controlling the US as it is with Russia or China.

    It is not worth the money we spend on it. PERIOD.

    ....but it can be used against the Jabb Crazy , Big Tech, New World Order Global Homo Davos crowd


  7. ymarsakar10:36 AM

    Donald is the 45th President and he still has a term left to finish.

    As for FUsion centers, I have personal experience with one of their civilian analysts/private investigators.

    They like to think of themselves as observers as they twist words around.

  8. ymarsakar10:37 AM

    Spying on people is not their job so much as it is their hobby.

  9. ymarsakar10:39 AM

    IF you think the FBI is dangerous,Grim, wait until you see what I have been looking at intel wise the last few years.

    It will blow you away.
