More on the Gypsy Jokers vs. ANTIFA

Sose the Ghost on the confrontation. "If you say it a whole bunch of times, it doesn't make it true."


  1. He is making the usual "mistake" of using reason and evidence. I always give people credit for that even when it is useless, because it at least shows how this is supposed to be done. But if she could see the obvious, it would have already happened. He is trying to teach a pig to sing, here.

  2. To some degree he's talking to the rest of us. He's pointing out that the cop is black and she is white; and ANTIFA is burning things up; and that you'd have to be crazy to act this way; and that people are dying in Chicago because of the disruption to law enforcement in the city. It's worth saying it to us, even if it's wasted on her.

    There's also a point that is deeply significant to his audience which may not be obvious if you aren't primed to hear it. It has to do with what it means to live outside the law. ANTIFA presents themselves as being outlaws of a sort, anarchists and whatnot: but they don't live it, and they won't take responsibility for it. They go running to the cops and crying for protection as soon as they get hit. As he points out, other people are bearing the costs for their play-toy outlaw displays. They're refusing to bear any of the costs themselves.

  3. Yeah, in media, you're never really talking to the person there with you in the interview or whatever, you're talking to the audience.

  4. My question: who the HELL would 'kidnap' that .........ahhh.....woman?

  5. Uncharitably, once when some women came by my grandfather’s service station and claimed to have been nearly kidnapped in a nearby alley, one of the truckers who hung out there said, “It must have been a dark alley.”

  6. ymarsakar10:34 AM

    I like this guy's style. Those bi engine shots are pretty good.
