In Praise of Senator Sinema

Senator Sinema, defending the filibuster, sounds more like a statesman worthy of the body than anyone else sitting there. Democrats may not believe it today, but they will soon be grateful that she defended this tool that allows the minority to prevent sweeping legislation that lacks widespread consent. 


  1. So far, though, it's just talk, however pleasant the words for some of us--especially in Manchin's case, but maybe in Sinema's also.

    Keep in mind that Manchin, in particular, was every bit as pious about his insistence, all year ago fall and last winter, about the need for support from his friends across the aisle before he, Manchin, would vote for any bill. And then he voted, twice for last spring's Progressive-Democrat reconciliation bill. Sinema was all in on the first reconciliation bill from the start, and until lately she's been largely, conveniently silent on the filibuster, letting Manchin's words draw all the fire. That doesn't speak well of her willingness to go against Party when the chips are down/the vote is called on any matter.

    I'll wait for the vote. I still think that when Schumer calls the vote on this Election Destruction Act, he'll have 50 Progressive-Democrat ayes, and when the appeal to the chair vote comes--which is how Reid destroyed the Cabinet and judge confirmation filibuster--he'll have 50 Progressive-Democrat votes again.

    The only question there is whether the Vice President gets a vote on an internal Senate rule. She does not, but that won't stop the Progressive-Democrats. They've shown all along that they share contempt for our Constitution with that of one of their Progressive movement founders, Woodrow Wilson.

    Eric Hines

  2. Yes, you have expressed your skepticism of Sinema and Manchin every single time they have been mentioned here. We'll see if you were right soon enough.

  3. I've been saying for a while that I want a bumper sticker that reads:

    Gabbard/Sinema 2024
    Hate their politics/Love their attitudes

    Seriously, though, it was an excellent speech in content and in how she set it up - politically masterful.
