Honesty is a Virtue

Being honest with yourself, especially; but being honest with the public in a public matter, also.
Had she been held to the previous criteria, she would have failed, according to her score sheet and memo. The change was so recent that her scores were still marked as a failure on electronic records when she took the test in late March 2021, since the grading database wasn’t updated with the new rubric, according to the paperwork and a source familiar with it....

The author of the anonymous letter said the female airman has tried to quit training three times — twice in water confidence sessions and once during land navigation. Self-elimination has long meant that an airman’s attempt to join special tactics is over, yet documents show a different standard applied to the female captain.... She was allowed to continue despite the instructors’ objections, the trainer said.

It may well be that historians will record these diversity efforts as heralding the end of American military dominance, and with it the American-led global order. They may not be American historians, though.  


  1. If there were any honor left in the upper ranks of officers, heads would roll for the serial infractions against honor. But it won't happen. No one will be disciplined, not even a sacrificial lamb. That's pretty deep rot.

  2. It's really shocking, because the values are so deeply held at the lower levels. Somewhere around O-6 they start to evaporate among those who want to make the ranks beyond, and by the general officer ranks they seem to be given only lip service. By the uppermost ranks, they don't seem even to wish to discuss questions of honor any more.

  3. raven7:54 PM

    Maybe we need a form of decimation, where flag officers would draw lots to be demoted and placed in the line as a rifleman for a tour. Bring them back to reality, so to speak.
