Navy Beats Army

It’s an upset, but I suppose it’s not a surprise. Army couldn’t even beat Afghanistan this year. 


  1. Were any of the Navy players hitting each other?

  2. Apparently they avoided that, and even manage to huddle and talk over the next play. It would be rude to suggest that this was because— unlike the command decks in the incident you're mentioning— these are all male spaces.

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    A close, clean game between honorable foes. Go Navy!

    LittleRed1 [DadRed was USN serving with the USMC]

  4. Maybe not that much of an upset, their season records notwithstanding. My wife and I started watching in the third quarter, and the announcers were saying that Navy had played a much tougher schedule than Army had. Maybe the Navy team was just more used to hard games than the Army team.

    Army couldn’t even beat Afghanistan this year.

    I don't think this is entirely fair. Army did quite well in Afghanistan. The ones who couldn't beat Afghanistan were sequences of politicians who lost sight of why we were there, drifted away from our original purpose when that had been met--rapidly--and in the end game, along with Pentagon REMF managers, threw down their Fasces and outright ran away, stranding our Army, hundreds of American and allied citizens and Afghan supporters. The final loss was Biden-Harris', not the Army's.

    Eric Hines

  5. I don't think this is entirely fair...

    I wasn't trying to be fair. That was a joke, in the spirit of the late great Lewis Grizzard's remark that in the 1980s at the time of our intervention "Libya couldn't beat Vanderbilt."

    There was a follow up joke about how the Libyan navy, recently rebuilt, was all glass-bottom boats. "That is so they can see the old Libyan navy."

  6. Ymarsakar7:57 AM

    Old humans cannot beat me or satans or the old world order. From the ashes grim, as i communicated.
