Love in the Midwest

I guess there’s something to be said for Texas. 


  1. Har de Har Har Har

  2. Regarding McSweeney's opening: it's impossible to romanticize winter.

    Winter is ugly and nasty.

    Snow is ugly and nasty.

    Cold is ugly and nasty.

    Never mind his tawdry attempt at humor.

    Eric Hines

  3. "But baby it's cold outside!"

  4. Winter is icumen in,
    Lhude sing [strong language removed]

    . . . .

    There's a performance by the Bayesian Choir online.

  5. Loved this. Forwarding to several. And Narr, I loved the link to the Bayesian Choir. They should have gone with "Loude sing fuck you" to be closer to the original though. Just as funny.

    For a good actual version of the real song, I recommend Richard Thompson's version over the delicate choral varieties.

  6. Anonymous6:44 PM

    My part of Texas gets snow, below zero temps, and the other joys of midwestern winters. However, in our case, the cold and snow don't hang around for as long. You know, only three months, instead of nine.


  7. Being in NH, I used to have bragging rights. Then sons 3 and 4 moved to Nome and Tromso, respectively. I don't even dare bring it up anymore.
