"The Safety Fears of Lawmakers"

Just yesterday, the New York Times' morning newsletter was so titled. "Despite a congressman’s censure, Republicans have shown a growing tolerance for violent rhetoric."

Also yesterday, Illinois Democrat:  'SUV Rampage was 'Karma' for Rittenhouse Verdict.'

Today, Democrat/BLM activist: 'Sounds like the revolution has started!'

Friday: "The only solution / is Communist revolution!"

Has anybody actually seen this video that Rep. Gosar was censored censured [these phones are making me look illiterate] for putting up on social media? I haven't been able to find a copy of it to see just how awful this rhetoric actually is. I'm assured by all the right people that it's terrible, but nobody wants to show me so I can judge for myself.


  1. I haven't seen it either. I assume it's memory holed. Maybe someone can find it on the "way back" machine?

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7z0nkii1AM

    This isn't the actual clip but it appears to show at least screen grabs from it.

  3. You are not AUTHORIZED to make an independent judgment, vassal!

  4. ymarsakar2:07 PM

    I am thankful God has given me the power and authority to end humanity's evil and corruption. It won't be long now.
