Rats Love Turkey, Too

Maybe you’ll leave Thanksgiving dinner as divided as you were when you sat down at the table five hours and 4,000 calories ago. Or maybe you’ll plant the seed, sow just a little doubt about whatever Tucker Carlson is saying now. Maybe you’ll even change a heart or a mind. Maybe you’ll bring the temperature down just a tiny bit. Or maybe you’ll need to report a relative to the FBI

It was bad enough when they were just encouraging people to be impossible bores about politics on Thanksgiving. 


  1. Since it's just going to be me and the wife tomorrow, we don't have to worry about offending anyone, not that that would matter anyway because IDGAF if I hurt someone's feelings.

  2. We're all close family here tomorrow as well.

    As for hurting people's feelings, I do hate to give offense by accident. Some people I wouldn't want to hurt at all, like my wife; others I would be willing to take special trouble to offend on purpose.

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Some people almost ask to be offended. Others offend themselves without any real effort on the part of those around them. Happily, I do not have to deal with members of either group tomorrow, since only close family will be breaking bread together.


  4. That article was one of the stupidest things I've all year, and it's been a doozy of a year.

    We're having over 7 neighbors, none of whom would dream of behaving like that insufferable woman, although there's quite a lot of variety in our political persuasions. I'd call it about a 5-4 split on liberal/conservative lines. The thing is, we genuinely like each other and don't look for opportunities to antagonize each other or score points. If it were otherwise, we certainly wouldn't make the mistake of extending them another invitation to a holiday dinner.

  5. ymarsakar2:06 PM

    My existence offends all slaves of satan on Earth.
