Market fail

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  1. The first time I saw a headline about this, it didn't make any sense to me. But then I saw an article (I don't remember where) that said this would be a settlement with those kids that Trump separated form their parents, and it all made sense.

    Because 30% or so of all the money paid out is going to go into the pockets of whatever D-connected attorneys are representing that class of plaintiffs. It's nothing more than the usual pilfering of public money that Democrats have done for years - use the Federal courts and a sympathetic Justice Dept. to funnel money to people and groups that are on your side. Run-of-the-mill stuff, really.

    To me, the real import of this story isn't that this kind of thing is happening, it's that they are willing to try a grift with such poor optics only ten months into Biden's first term. I see it as an indication that the establishment Dems don't think the current grip on the reins is going to last. Biden is weak and getting weaker. If he can't be propped up and Harris has to be POTUS, then they've lost the Senate. And things are scary for the mid-terms as well - they might lose both houses.

    Bottom line: the establishment Dems are shifting their focus from retaining power to looting the treasury.

  2. It was reported so ambiguously, as anonymous reports on ongoing negotiations, that I hesitated to discuss it publicly, even if it was coming from the WSJ and not, say, Gateway Pundit. Sure enough, President Brandon now disavows it after a curiously long silence.

    It was one of those Ben Shapiro moments for me, where I was saying "Please run on this policy. I'm begging you."

    I found myself thinking my little community might benefit from the resettlement within our borders of 5-10 immigrant families, each carrying a few checks for $450K. I bet it wouldn't take long to win their votes.
