For once, the media is helpful

Normally having an unprincipled media on your side is the wind at your back in an election, but it can backfire if the candidate smokes his own product. Timothy Carney argues that Terry McAuliffe listened to the WaPo's theory that parental concern about education was code for white supremacy and assumed that anything WaPo spouted was bound to work like a charm on undecided independent Virginia voters.
Having the news media as a yes man is dangerous.
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Having the whole news media on your side is often helpful — such as when Joe Biden enjoyed a media blackout on his son’s influence-peddling. But when it convinces you that issues matter that don’t, or that issues don’t matter that do, it’s a handicap.
As Ben Shapiro put it the other day when Juan Williams floated this same theory, "Please, Democrats, make this your platform for 2022. I'm begging you." As a winning campaign message, it's right up there with "CRT doesn't exist--and it's awesome."

I realize McAuliffe hasn't conceded yet, but with so few votes uncounted this morning, I have my fingers crossed that even he and the national machine will judge this one a bridge too far.  if 138,000 D votes suddenly appear from someone's car trunk, another election contest may do them more harm than good nationally, no matter what it gets them in Virginia, especially if the message is "We had to contest this election, because Virginia parents are racist." 


  1. The media may have helped in another way, too. It thought silencing Trump was a good idea.

    'As the evening dragged on and their numbers didn’t improve, some Democrats fretted openly that the Trump offensive might have been a mistake. About an hour before McAuliffe went on stage, Rep. Don Beyer still hadn’t made up his mind. “I guess we will find out tonight,” he said.

    '“Clearly, Trump was very unpopular a year ago,” Beyer continued. “He probably is not more popular now but is less relevant: He isn’t president, his Twitter account is turned off and he isn’t on Facebook. You know? So I don’t think McAuliffe could run against Donald Trump as effectively as Joe Biden did.”'

  2. I was almost unaware of this race. It barely made an impression compared with the World Series I didn’t watch at all; which, congratulations Braves.

  3. "Oft evil will shall evil mar."

    I am less excited by the victory. The suburbs around the Imperial City will remain so solidly pro-government qua government that this is likely to be ephemeral. Washington exerts considerable influence on two surrounding states already, in much the same way that NYC has a big say in 6 Senate seats. It will likely encourage many who feel disenfranchised to have another go in their own states, and that's a good thing.

    Even if Youngkin is brilliant and effective, I don't think the light is going to dawn on too many more people.

  4. From what I understand the polling turned pretty sharply last week, which raises the question about how good their information was. You always wonder if the polls are meant to be shaping people's view of what is popular or if they are actively reflective of what people are thinking.

  5. "You have to wonder..." Grim, you should consider a career in standup. I can see your innocent expression now.

  6. From what I understand the polling turned pretty sharply last week, which raises the question about how good their information was.

    "Early voting" in Virginia went on for 45 days. Six weeks.

    It would be fascinating to segment the totals by week. Did Democratic turn out fall off during the weeks that preference polls showed a shift?

    Does anybody else think SIX WEEKS (not counting the late-arriving mail-in-ballots) is maybe too long an election "day"? Would a proposal to shorten the period be fairly characterized as an attack on voting rights?

  7. Depends. Which party would it favor?
