I thought that might be what he was up to

The prosecutor was weirdly focused yesterday on exactly how Rittenhouse got his hands on the rifle on the day of the shootings. He asked all kinds of questions about whether the rifle had been locked up, where it was stored, how he knew where it was, and so on. It seemed to have so little bearing on charges against Rittenhouse, other than to undermine the state's inexplicable "carrying a gun across state lines" charge, that I began to wonder whether he was setting up charges against third parties. Sure enough, today multiple charges have been filed against Dominic Black, 19-year-old the brother-like friend who bought the rifle and agreed to hold it for Rittenhouse until he was of legal age.

If you want to read something truly insane that reflects the same philosophy the Rittenhouse prosecutor is busy shoveling at the jury, try this NBC Think piece, which sees the whole problem as people "picking up guns they shouldn't have":
The truth is that too many white Americans probably see themselves in Rittenhouse — afraid of anyone, whether white or of color, who wants to live in a more equitable country — even if some don’t want to say so out loud.
So it turns out that what the riots were about: helping us live in a more equitable country. Only an evil white American could fear for his life if people advocating for a more equitable country cornered him alone during a riot and tried to kill him.


  1. I think at this point, I'd vote for acquittal of any defendant being prosecuted by Thomas Binger; his level of credibility is a good approximation of zero.

    Eric Hines

  2. You have the link coming from Reason when it is from the "Think" section of NBC News. I was worried that Reason had gone all wobbly for a moment.

  3. I was going to say, that doesn't sound like Reason to me!

    Weirdly the author actually did reproduce the argument: Rittenhouse was acting honorably, defending his community, and was welcomed by police and others as a fellow guardian of the common peace. He fired only in self-defense, and is guilty of no crime. Had people not chosen to come to his town to riot, none of this would have happened -- including him deciding that he might need to carry a firearm for self-defense, which in ordinary times he did not apparently believe nor do.

    Somehow they then veered off into weird territory about January 6th and Trump and blah, blah, blah. Racism, fear, blah, blah.

  4. Fixed, thanks! Too many tabs up at once.

  5. ymarsakar9:38 PM

    This is a pretth strange final war. People thought they could avoid csdualties if they can stop my inevitable civil war 2. Sorry to inform you all, but god cannot be stopped. Divine plans are inevitable more than thanos even.

    Thr casualties are mounting. 750k fatalities in usa alone due to the injection weapon.

    God is fair. We wont kill people just because they are guilty of a sin. But if you inject a bio weapon into the kids by calling it a waxxine... you all will wish to die and be ended as soddom, at the end of that.
