FBI Ordered to Mobilize Against Parents

 Oppose critical race theory? You’re a terrorist. 


  1. This is the same Merrick Garland that some foolishly expect to prosecute those indicted by DUrham.

    Eric Hines

  2. I seriously hope that the "Defund the Police" movement can be re-directed from concerns about local abuses (which do happen) and toward concerns about the uncontrollable plethora of Federal agencies: FBI, BATF, DEA, TSA, Homeland Security, Border Patrol (which seems to be distinct from Immigration and Customs Enforcement), the US Marshalls, ...

    There exists a federal agency chartered to find and deport hidden Nazis: The OSI, "Office of Special Investigations". One of Jimmy Carter's bright ideas. (It took about 30 years from the end of WWII for the Feds to realize they had such a big problem that needed so many resources that they had to set up a "special" agency to solve it.) During the Obama administration the OSI picked up duties of investigating and prosecuting crimes against "Human Rights" violators in general, not merely German immigrant Nazis. (Who, by then, and no doubt due to the heroic and tireless efforts of the OSI, were becoming rather rare, and those remaining few very difficult to find.) I may be mistaken but it seems to that it was about this decade that concerns about NEO-Nazis began to get more media coverage.

    ANYhow, I'd think it about time for systems architects to look over the apparatus, defund some of the less busy components, and generally
    allow many of these champions of justice to make their way out of D.C. and into other locales and activities.

  3. One of Jimmy Carter's bright ideas.... During the Obama administration the OSI picked up duties of investigating and prosecuting crimes against "Human Rights" violators in general, not merely German immigrant Nazis. (Who, by then, and no doubt due to the heroic and tireless efforts of the OSI, were becoming rather rare...

    It does seem like the Obama administration was the jumping-off point for weaponizing Federal agencies against ordinary people. There was COINTELPRO back in the Nixon days, but it targeted activists. There have been ATF-style entrapment schemes forever, but those tended to focus on intense firearm enthusiasts. The FBI blew the Olympic bombing case in 1996, but there really had been a bomber. I'd say it was the attempt to suppress the TEA Party grassroots movement post-2010's election debacle that set the stage for this attempt to use these secret police agencies as a domestic terror weapon -- the IRS especially included, but the FBI apparently being given the foremost position.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Jimmy Carter launched and weaponized OSI to suppress the contributions of, for lack of a better term, German rocket scientists in the USA. If I recall correctly, the effort was coordinated with the Soviets. My guess is that it was a Soviet idea; Carter was a puppet. OSI activity escalated in parallel with the Strategic Defense Initiative. It's been a long time, but the name Arthur Rudolph comes to mind as a German who was targeted. There were others, and I'm sure there were those unnamed who we will never know about because they did not want to become OSI targets and publicly accused of being anti-Semitic Nazis. The charges of "Nazi" was one of the tools used to try to derail the SDI. I think even Teller was accused of it.


  5. raven9:31 PM

    This has the potential to backfire massively. Consider this. you can piss off some of the people, some of the time, but it gets pretty shaky to piss off all the people, all of the time.

    Governments exist because of consent, mostly, and violence, as needed.
    If the peasants (us) are unruly, usually they can be suppressed by concentration of force, aka defeat in detail, be the first with the most, etc. This works well against isolated religious sects, survivalists, etc. Pretty hard for a few people to defend against a swat team.
    When the revulsion extends across the population, the tyrant creates the water for the fish to swim in. And the reaction can then turn pro-action- ranging from shunning, to kinetic action to every point of pressure.

    IIRC, This is how they finally got Pablo Escobar- in this case, the police and those who must not be mentioned started trimming away his support system like a butcher trims fat- after a while nobody wanted to be anywhere near him.

    Every fed employee lives somewhere- piss off enough people and that knowledge will get spread around.
    Hey, I am just a carpenter- not a military guy, so poke some holes in civvie theory!

  6. ymarsakar12:51 PM

    People have implied or explicitly stated that i was like a terrorist here.

    Welcome to the fking party, humans.
