One Quarter to a Third of Navy SEALs Reject Vaccine

Hundreds of Special Operators will be disqualified from service over this, having a tremendous effect on the military's ability to carry out clandestine and covert operations. 
Younts said the Pentagon has put its threat in writing that unvaccinated SEALs, including those who get a religious exemption or already have natural immunity, will be forbidden from deploying with their teams, all but ending their special operator careers. Some were given a deadline of this week, he said....

Tim Parlatore, a lawyer who helped win the acquittal of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher in the alleged death of an ISIS prisoner, said he has confirmed large numbers of SEALS are declining to get the vaccine right now.

"It's in the hundreds. And it's not the senior leadership. It's all the shooters and it is going to have a huge impact," Parlatore said. "If they continue to with this asinine police you are going to have the complete decimation if the SEAL teams," he said.

It's a bit more than a decimation if it eliminates a quarter to a third of the force. That's on the order of two or three Roman decimations in a row.

The article talks quite a lot about people seeking a religious exemption from the vaccine, but they never bother to explain what the religious objection happens to be. I assume it has something to do with fetal tissue from cell lines drawn from abortions being used in the testing process, but it is never spelled out. 

SEALs take a long time to train, and it is difficult to recruit extra people who can pass the selection course anyway, so replacements will not quickly be forthcoming. 


  1. Come back when you're sober enough to type straight, Ymar. Not that I hold the occasional drink -- or even the occasional night of drunkenness -- against a man. It's a reasonable thing to do, once in a while.

  2. Brumbaer2:03 PM

    Astounding. These SEALs may be the last element of a truly free American navy. We are under occupation.
