An Amazing Display

Tex left a comment on the border post below that establishes a source for these 15,000 Haitians who suddenly turned up in Del Rio. It was another diplomatic failure by the Biden administration. 
[I]n January, the Biden administration began to  pressure Mexico to maintain and use its National Guard and immigration bureaucracy to slow the flow of expected caravans and of tens of thousands of Haitians and other migrants coming in from all over the world. This was a fairly quiet diplomatic campaign, and it coincided with billions in promised U.S. aid and other benefits such as covid vaccines. 
Instead of transferring the cash and vaccines, the Biden administration delayed -- and openly plotted to use the vaccine stockpiles for boosters instead, which drew resignations in protest at the FDA and a rebuke vote last week. Mexico decided to remind the US Government that it can always open the flood gates. 
The migrant interviews comport with the arrivals of bus after bus here in Acuna, about every 15 minutes all day long every day for a week, local business owners said. At the main city station, CIS witnessed buses pull in and empty out passengers who all appeared to be migrants....

A casual move such as suspending deterring strategies under cover of a holiday, or perhaps for the express purpose of transferring a humanitarian burden to the United States, indicates a diplomatic failure by the Biden administration in choosing carrots rather than Trump’s stick in dealing with Mexico. The move hints at how Mexico’s leadership regards the Biden administration’s quid pro quo arrangements of aid for help with illegal immigration from Guatemala.

This has led to astonishing visuals for a Democratic administration of Border Patrol Agents removing black Haitians using horses and whips

How can they be so bad at everything? This all happened the same week as the French recalling their ambassador over the submarine fleet being snaked out from under them. In addition to disrupting a major alliance, D29 points out in the comments to that post that the SSN fleet won't be available until 2040 -- thirteen years after the French fleet would have been fully operational. That means that this fleet won't come into service until after China's demographic collapse; during the full time that China has the manpower to wage expansionistic wars, Team Biden has ensured we'll be on the sidelines. 

It is an amazing display. I've never seen its like. 

UPDATE: The Vice report notwithstanding, I've yet to see any photographs or video of the "whips" they claim are being used. There is a good chance that these are just split reins that are being mistaken for whips by journalists; but the White House spokeswoman didn't push back against the claim that they were whips when asked about it. Of course, she's probably never sat on a horse outfitted with Western tack in her life. 


  1. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the French delivery dates and costs had already blow out, and the French were reneging on Australian content. The French SSKs were slated to cost twice what a Virginia SSN does. By all rights the Aussies should have pulled the plug on the French deal years ago.

  2. I’ll take your word for all that. Still, time is a factor.

  3. Pretty sure they were reins, not whips. It's easier to see in the video than in the stills. But cavalry against footmen is never good visuals.

  4. I was just updating the post to reflect that. The media coverage says "whips," and the White House doesn't dispute that they were whips; but I see no whips in anything I've been able to find. I think they don't know from horse tack.

  5. The French SSKs were slated to cost twice what a Virginia SSN does.

    The French approach to this change, also, seems to have been to gut an SSN down to the shell and jam into it a whole new propulsion system and weapons array and control systems.

    That article, by the way, gives a pretty balanced analysis of the whole affair, including Japanese and Swedish (and German, formally, but not seriously) early contenders for the Aussie submarine.

    Eric Hines

  6. ymarsakar10:31 PM

    Patriots here might want to pay attention to the Chinese battalions crossing the Canadian border into FEMA or gov camps.

    What are they doing there?

    Why is the United Nations peacekeepers allowed in the USA and also given authority under the K Principle to intervene if civilians are in danger?

    Why did Xiden given China all the US military secrets and tech in Afghanistan to reverse engineer, crack, and counter prepare against?

    Why are they disabling the US military with the bio weapon waxinations and resignations?

    Cause it is War.

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I suspect that Psaki et al have no idea that split reins (as compared to loop reins) exist, and that they hang off to the side of the horse. Some might not be able to explain how reins and the bit (or romal) "steer" the horse (along with weight shift and leg pressure and . . .)


  8. I like split reins much better, as a matter of fact. I always liked to teach horses to neck rein, and the weight of them made that easier. As you say, a lot of it has to do with how you sit and press with your legs.

    The visuals aside, though, it occurs to me that whips are actually nonlethal and would be in line with the reduction of force by law enforcement that the Democrats normally advise. They're just embarrassed by being the ones in charge of whip-wielding men on horseback driving black people, which recalls the (also Democratic) slave patrols and such. Yet if that history did not exist, a shift from guns to whips would align with their preferred policies.
