Arizona Audit

The report was published today, and apparently has found issues with ballots at five times the margin of victory. I have not yet had a chance to read it, listen to the hearing, or review the findings. Nevertheless it is important to note.

The margin of victory was only about ten thousand, and normally in an audit of 2.1 million votes a difference of 50,000 wouldn't necessarily be out of line with expectations. It might change the result, but a certain amount of user error and mistakes are to be expected in a large election.

In this case, though, they knew how many extra votes they needed and had extra days to generate them. Sure enough, Wendy Rogers reports, 96% of the duplicate votes that were counted in the audit arrived after election day. The fact that the total numbers are relatively small doesn't mean that this wasn't a fraudulent outcome, because they had the opportunity to know exactly the target they needed to hit. 

I'll look at it as I'm able. I hope some of you will as well. 

UPDATE: I think she might have misunderstood what he said, but the spike is obvious and significant. 

UPDATE: The Federalist has a piece analyzing the results. 


  1. ymarsakar12:34 PM

    So i was right donald 100 mil landslide win haha.

    So funny. Watchijg a natioj burn to death. People just dont listen do they.

  2. ymarsakar12:35 PM

    Maricopa county alone had 50k fake or illegal ballots counted.

    If arizona s margin was 10k, that means...

  3. Gringo3:22 PM

    News articles I have perused made no mention of duplicate ballots.
    From the Maricopa Audit:

    Finding name______(Phase)___Ballots Impacted___Severity
    Mail‐in Ballots Voted from Prior Address (Voter History) 23,344 Critical
    Comment: as long as there is only one ballot for that voter, doesn't appear to be that big a problem, does it? More like a bookkeeping issue of keeping addresses up to date.

    Potential Voters that Voted in Multiple Counties (Voter History) 10,342 Critical
    This is a problem. (I suspect that some students do this)(Have read of snowbirds in Fla doing this.)

    More Ballots Returned by Voter Than Received (Certified Results) 9,041 High
    What does this mean?

    Election Management System Database Purged (Voting Machine) N/A High
    Election Files Deleted Voting Machine N/A High
    Corrupt Ballot Images Voting Machine N/A High
    Official Results Does Not Match Who Voted Certified Results 3,432 Medium
    More Duplicates Than Original Ballots (Ballot) 2,592 Medium

    What does this mean?

    In‐Person Voters Who Had Moved out of Maricopa County (Certified Results) 2,382 Medium

    Voters Moved Out‐of‐State During 29‐Day Period Proceeding
    Election (Voter History) 2,081 Medium

    Missing Ballot Images Voting Machine N/A Medium
    Failure to Follow Basic Cyber Security Practices Voting Machine N/A Medium
    Subpoenaed Equipment Not Provided Voting Machine N/A Medium
    Anonymous Logins Voting Machine N/A Medium
    Dual Boot System Discovered Voting Machine N/A Medium
    EMS Operating System Logs Not Preserved Voting Machine N/A Medium
    Votes Counted in Excess of Voters Who Voted Certified results 836 Low
    Voters not part of the Official Precinct Register Voter History 618 Low
    Ballots Returned Not in the Final Voted File Certified Results 527 Low
    Duplicated Ballots Incorrect & Missing Serial Numbers Ballot 500 Low
    Mail‐In Ballot Received without Record of Being Sent Certified Results 397 Low

  4. Yes, the 'adventures in headlines' here are -- well, par for the course, these days.

    Rasmussen, which has corporate credibility to maintain, is a good source here.

    They say there were counterfeit ballots:

    That public records were destroyed before the audit, contrary to Federal Law:

    ...and that there have been referrals to the state Attorney General.

  5. I see they are re-casting the audit as some kind of re-count, and announcing that the similarity in counts has buttressed the credibility of the result.

    The election was a sea of red flags and a catalog of statistical anomalies, to put it politely, so it follows that any study of the election would be similar. How anybody could accept that the Authorities in Charge of the vote would deem it beneficial to methodically erase balloting records knowing an audit was happening, is amazing. There is not much else to say; as long as the general population is accepting of blatantly opaque methodologies applied in real time to what is supposed to be one of the most transparent governmental processes in government, we're stuck with the frustration of hamstrung governance.

  6. ymarsakar6:44 AM

    They will have the un and china and 109k afghan death squadies importrd into usa, activate war, before they admit the election steal.

    This is why i kept talking about internet going down after nov 2020. Because this plays out as in chess end game. It just came later. I still have them in check just they refuse to give up.

    They are stalling because check mate is in 3 moves if they dont keep repeating.

  7. +1, Aghie. If I was in a lightweight aluminum headgear mood, I'd be tempted to say that the audit shows the fight over voter id and 'Jim Eagle' voting restrictions to be mostly theater. The Uniparty is following Stalin's principle.

  8. Gringo4:12 PM

    Grim, thanks for the Rasmussen links.
    I recently read Julie Metz's Eva and Eve, about her search for more information about her late mother's Vienna past. Her mother came to the US in 1940 as a child refugee, with her parents.

    The book is not enhanced by the author's many anti-Trump rants. One of her objections is to Trump making negative comments about the media.
    The mainstream media coverage of the Maricopa audit is a rather good example of how the mainstream media has earned a bad reputation- at least among those who bother to look behind the curtain.

    (One of her dubious comments is that now that Austria will grant citizenship to children of refugees, she can go to Austria if things get iffy in the US. I doubt that that the US will ever treat Jewish people the way that Austria and Germany did. But Orange Man Bad, doncha' know? )
