Saturday Music

Had a good ride today, abbreviated by the rising storms of afternoon. By early evening the storms on the mountain were epic. It reminded me of the stories of wizards or martial arts masters who lived high on storm-shrouded mountains. 

Dragging pegs through the mountains on a fast motorcycle is as good as it gets short of war. It’s better yet if your woman is with you, as my wife was today  


  1. raven9:32 PM

    Sounds like a great ride! Just leave yourself a margin please- I like your Hall..

  2. It’ll still be here when I’m gone. Send me an email though; I should long ago have given you posting rights. Grimbeornr at yahoo.

  3. BTW, totally OT,
    I have friends in Kabul- please say a prayer for the non combatants.

  4. Did you email me? Note the final “r” on Grimbeornr.
