Conversations with Mom

Based on last night's talk with my mother, who has been a pretty good barometer for American politics, she is terrified of my criticism of America's government. I'm not sure if she fears I will be arrested or killed because of it, but she is clearly afraid and certain I should stop speaking out against the current government.

If you went back over the course of the last twenty years, her support went to every winning campaign except Trump's in 2016. She gets her ideas from what is popular, I think, and as such is almost always on the winning side.

She's been a pretty good judge of where the country was going before now. On the other hand, a government like the one she apparently fears we have is one that deserves replacement. It's bad enough that an ordinary woman like herself should have internalized the idea that such criticism -- constitutionally protected free speech -- is gravely dangerous. 


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I was mildly amused to discover that my blog is now flagged by the US Department of Education filters as promoting hate, and so on. That started in August of this year. So are According to Hoyt and a few others. I suspect I'm on someone's list because of who my on-line and real-world friends are. I'm not going to change what I do.


  2. Do I have your blog on the sidebar? I should extend you an invitation to co-blog here. Send me an email. Grimbeornr (note final r) at Yahoo.

  3. If your mother's political instincts are as good as you say, it's time to source more ammo.

  4. Maybe we can smuggle some out of Afghanistan. I hear they've suddenly got a surplus.

  5. LR1, shoot me an email, too; I'll add you to my little blog's sidebar (nee blogroll).

    If your blog stands accused of "promoting hate," it seems to this non-lawyer that you're closing in on a civil case of slander, which not even the Eminences of Government are allowed to do.

    eehines1473 at

    Eric Hines
