Adieu Afghanistan

Reportedly, all American forces have left Afghanistan at this time. Perhaps that isn't strictly true; it would be ordinary for some highly classified forces to remain behind on special reconnaissance or similar duties. However, this time it may really be true; the Biden administration and its subservient military leadership has done everything wrong so far, so why not one last thing?

We have left behind at least hundreds of American citizens, and untold numbers of friends and allies. Apparently we incinerated one family of friends and allies with that drone strike against 'ISIS-K planners' the other day, perhaps having taken Taliban instructions on whom to hit.

Horrible things will happen to those left behind, whose names we apparently gave to the Taliban to make sure they knew whom to look for in their searches. Whole busloads of American citizen females were apparently turned away at the airport; translators are reportedly having their tongues cut out; I've seen video of a hanging using one of our Blackhawks as a public demonstration.

All that said, I am relieved that we managed to extract our battalions of paratroopers and Marines, who were put in a deadly situation by incompetent leadership. We could have lost all of them. Thank God they are safe, assuming the statements from the White House and leadership are not lies, which in fact we can no longer safely assume.


  1. Ymarsakar6:32 PM

    America, home of the brave and free.

    Proud... pride is a deadly sin for a reason.

  2. There are some brave and free left. We just need 100% less government.

  3. We would do well, in times of crisis, to remember our ancestors and the work they did.

    The current government holds no bond of loyalty, honor, or duty with us- they are rapacious,traitorous grifters operating under color of law, waving the flag with sanctimonious appeals to patriotism, while gutting the very concept of freedom domestically and selling our country to the enemy.
