The Green Hills of Tyrol


  1. Very nice.

    This is one of the standards. I don't think I've ever been to a Games and not heard at least one (and usually every) band perform this one. Along with "Scotland the Brave," you'll never miss out on it.

  2. Could anyone recommend a good CD/album of traditional Scottish bagpipe music?

  3. If you want military-style pipe and drum bands, there are tons of them available from the big Scottish regiments. Try anything by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, for example; or the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders; or the Black Watch; or the Gordon Highlanders; Royal Scots Greys; etc.

  4. Alternatively, you might like to support your local Scottish Highlander band.

  5. Thanks!

    It doesn't look like the band here has their own CDs, or at least they're not on the website.

    I think I might join the OK group. They'll have their games in October, and they have a Burns Night! (Although $60 ...)

    Are there traditional social / dance tunes for Scottish pipes, or is that more an Irish thing?

  6. You should email them. They may be older guys who don't know how to set up a website, but I'll bet they probably have CDs they offer for sale at performances. If so, doubtless you can buy one.

    Are there traditional social / dance tunes for Scottish pipes, or is that more an Irish thing?

    Yes. There are several kinds of traditional Scottish dances that are performed at the larger games, including folk dancing, ballroom dancing, and the sword dance.

    Here's some folk dancing:

    Here's a sword dance:

    Ballroom dancing I don't know too much about, but it's one of the more popular events with the elder generation.

  7. That first video includes some good Scottish heavy athletics, with a nice stone put at about the eight minute mark. That's more my speed than dancing. :)

  8. Cool. Now I'm looking forward to going.
