News to Me, Bud

The President claims that the most lethal threat facing 'the homeland' is 'white supremacy' -- "Not al Qaeda. Not ISIS. White Supremacy.

The military has done a good job with al Qaeda and ISIS. They are definitely less of a threat than once. 

Still, "white supremacy"? The KKK couldn't fill a ballroom these days. That's a good, positive thing, a major advance and a big step forward from where we were a hundred years ago. It's insane that instead of celebrating the progress we've made, they're trying to turn this into a chance to go after people who would never describe themselves as white supremacists, people who would like to walk away from the whole history of racism and division.  

Why not celebrate the fact that white mob actions like the one in 1921 Tulsa are unthinkable today? Oh, Antifa is almost-all-white and still forms mobs and burns city centers, that much is not only still possible but still actual. Yet the people they're trying to sell you on as threats don't even want to be white supremacists. The tiny handful of actual white supremacists left in this country are despised by everyone else, regardless of politics. 


  1. They have to find someone to blame before we figure out it's them.

  2. Refer to your "woketionary;" the translation makes sense.

    "Threat to the homeland/nation/world" => threat to our power
    "White supremacy" => anybody, of any ethnicity who disagrees with me or is a rival

  3. In any room full of "white supremacists", two thirds of them are FBI plants.

  4. James hits on the important "rival" aspect. Other political groups are a threat to their power, which they interpret as a threat to their safety. There's likely a fair bit of projection in that, telling us how they would treat us if their power were more thorough.

  5. There's likely a fair bit of projection in that, telling us how they would treat us if their power were more thorough.

    They're already showing us that, with the violence with which they attack people on the streets, riot, burn and loot (not necessarily in that order, but not necessarily not) small businesses that aren't woke enough, or as a demonstration for the sake of others not woke enough.

    The lack of Progressive-Democrat condemnation suggests that these are a significant faction of Party's grassroots.

    Eric Hines
