A Shopkeeper Remembered

An older lady who ran a shop out on a rural highway out this way died last week. Some of the neighbors were talking about her, telling stories about how she ran the place. I guess she was about 85.

One fellow was on a construction crew that was working in the winter time, and they staged up about her store before going out to work. One of the workers had bought a cup of coffee, and after finishing it decided he wanted another. Now while outside he'd pulled his ski mask down to keep his face farm, at first halfway so he could drink the coffee, and then all the way. He went in to the store without removing it, and this fellow went with him for something he wanted. No sooner had they walked through the door than the old woman intercepted them, shoved a .357 Magnum right between the one guy's eyes, and demanded that he immediately remove his mask. His hands were full, so in order to free them up to do it he handed her the empty coffee cup and the other guy his money.

Another time one of them went in and she had filled these hard candy hoppers she had with a new kind of green jawbreaker. She told him to try one, and when he did it nearly knocked him down. "What is this?" he asked.

"Wasabi candy," she said.

Apparently some of the migrant laborers who'd been coming in to her store had been stealing candy out of her hoppers when they came in. She decided to put a stop to it. It reportedly worked, although I'll bet she put a stop to her candy sales, too. 


  1. We had a store run by a lady much like the one you describe. She was very friendly and helpful.

    If you needed money or to purchase a few groceries, you'd tell her that the check wouldn't be good until Friday evening and she would hold it for you until then.

    Unfortunately, she didn't have a gun handy one evening and was robbed. Even though she gave the thief everything he asked for, the asshole still shot and killed her. ( I heard that possibly she recognized the thief even though he was wearing a mask and that's why she was shot.)

  2. That's very sad. I hope the robber ultimately did not survive.
