Mean tweets

Stacey Lennox on the Lincoln Project:
The most puzzling thing about the Lincoln Project crowd is that they have never succinctly articulated exactly which of President Trump’s policies they disagreed with. Was it the judges with fidelity to the Constitution? The tax reform that favored investment? We’ve been pursuing peace in the Middle East my entire life, and the first real gains have been in the last few months. Energy independence and deregulation unleashed the economy and gave us leverage globally.


  1. Clearly, they disagree with Trump on the value of cheap labor. Whether the labor is cheapened in the US by unfair scab competition by illegally (often, underaged) resident immigrant workers; or by overly lenient issue of Visas to make cheap immigrant workers legal; or by "most favored nation" policies which allow foreign products made by cheap workers to compete with domestic products made by our (admittedly, better compensated) neighbors -- the "Lincoln" and "Never Trump" Republicans promoted "free trade" and "open borders". Trump rejected both. "The Wall" was front and center putting up a picket line for the biggest agglomeration of organized labor ever -- American Workers who Vote.

    Constitutional fidelity and abortion and gun control and states' rights and tax policy and fracking were all side issues to anti-Trump Republicans.

  2. @ J Melcher - partly agree, but you may be giving them too much credit. The don't like him. He's icky and coarse and doesn't look like a silver-haired senator.

  3. The conservative sector of society uses a culturally-adjusted Socratic method for judging policy efficacy, or politician effectiveness. If it works, use it and adjust as necessary. If he works, re-elect him(her).

    The progressive Left sector of society uses feelz to decide things, because it feels so good to do it; instant wiseness, instant crowd reinforcement, instant dopamine thrills, so nice to be distracted. Anything to forget the pain of that new nose piercing or those annoying student loan payments.

  4. AVI, I agree. You speak truly. But Tex's post asserted the Never-Trumpers (who do not like Trump personally, which we ALL agree is true) have not articulated a policy disagreement. Which is also true.

    Never-Trumpers don't want to explicitly clearly say out loud that they want to put their voters out of work or at least cut back on expensive "benefits packages". For that matter, they won't say they fear wild beer-guzzling rednecks with firearms; worry about irrational tiger moms with several kids; get confused about different states having different rules, some of which will necessarily be "wrong" (according to Ivy League orthodoxy); and barely tolerate people who pray more than five minutes per week and sometimes in places other than pews in a church. They would never say so.

    But these Elite Culture-Leaders have made their policy preferences plain, even so.

    It's just that they put insulting Trump, out front.

    Personally, I don't like Biden and think Harris is a shrewish incompetent. But if they somehow reform problem institutions like prisons and public schools and nuclear waste recycling plants I'll suck up my disdain and praise their accomplishments on my issues. I'll eat that crow.

    The Never Trumpers won't.

  5. I sometimes try to keep myself honest by giving the Obama administration credit for something. You know, I truly cannot think of anything it did that I appreciated on its merits. Can any of you think of something I'm blotting out, presumably from partisanship? It was 8 years, after all.

  6. Obama gave us Trump. That's it, that's all I could think of.

  7. ymarsakar6:39 AM

    P Hussein is like the spouse a person divorces, so that they can learn what a real relationship is. The hopes and aspirations of the younger couple version were dashed, but the desires were honest on an individual level.

    It is why I wrote that it didn't matter what Hussein did in 2008, given that the problem went far beyond merely the Demoncrats as political party. There was a religious cult going on. Not a culture, but a cult, an inversion of a main culture.

    It has to do with Bhaal and Satan worship.

    There is an Opposition force in a world created by Divine Will. This has puzzled human logic and broken many philosophers. How does an immovable force, move itself via will?

    By splitting itself into two opposing, but relatively equally powerful, forces that forget they were unified, and began fighting each other. That is how you "test".

    Whenever Americans tried to fix the system or to talk about the darkness, it was blocked. Sometimes by illusion based hope and change, and sometimes by direct murder and sabotage (JFK, Lincoln).

    So the issue is never and was never and will never be "politics". Rather, it is ethics or something even higher than ethics. To give an example, the Mayflower compact charter was both corporate, mercantile debt based, and also socialist in nature. Yet when the mayor saw that it didn't work, he didn't pursue this Service to Self path more by enslaving his people. He freed them of the prior agreements. Contrast this with evil intent, such as the American concentration camps aka nursing home deaths.

    People think it is about politics. No, it is not about politics, because good people can disagree on politics and it will work out, no matter who wins.

    This is about execution lists. This is about enslavement. This is about Power acquired via child sex slavery. This is about good and evil, light and darkness. This is not about socialism or capitalism or democracy or any such distractions and Plato's shadows on the cave wall.

  8. ymarsakar9:15 AM

    Cynthia Mc comes back from the shadows. And without the media sound bites, she actually makes sense now.

    She is a Georgia Demoncrat or was.

    Grim, I'll give you something you have wanted/wished for some time now. Right after I obliterate the Demoncrats from...., I'll start with the Republicans soon enough.

    At least you know she was loyal, if nobody else.

    I believed the fake news too, before my ....

    Patricia Cori and I are both powerful tele empaths. There's very little that can shield me from their true feelings and thoughts now.

  9. Tex: " You know, I truly cannot think of anything it did that I appreciated on its merits. Can any of you think of something I'm blotting out, presumably from partisanship?"

    The Bin Laden assassination? The raid that then-VP Biden advised against?

    C'mon, Man! (And, er, Tex...) Quadaffi. Boko Harem. South Sudan. Erdogan's Turkey. The whole world is a better place for Muslim believers fighting back against Western-style tolerance, secularism, democratic rule, and modernity. All that time in a Jakarta "public" madrassa had some benefits for somebody, right?

  10. J Melcher, allow me to respond:

    Quadaffi: he was already fangless and abandoning terror as a political tool thanks to the Second Gulf War. He was politically a non-entity, and though dictator though he was, what has replaced him is a Somali-esque group of warlords, many with Islamist sympathies. This one is not a win.

    Boko Haram: Actually, we did nothing at all about them. "#BringOurGirlsHome" did nothing, nor did the administration. The decline in power of Boko Haram owes more to neighboring governments getting tired of their antics more than anything else.

    South Sudan: Again, no thanks to the Obama administration. "Ignoring the problem until it sorts itself out" isn't an exactly inspiring strategy, and also as I recall, didn't the peace deal actually come during Trump's administration?

    Erdogan's Turkey: Please tell me how this one is a win? He's an Islamist sympathizer, enabler of Palestinian terrorists, an opponent of our efforts in Syria, and basically a vicious SOB who thinks human rights are "quaint". Of all the examples you gave, this one is the most puzzling to me.

  11. I will give him partial credit for the Bin Laden raid, but only to the extent that he gave the "go" order. All credit for the raid properly belongs to the military and US intelligence services. He just had enough backbone to say "okay" (which Biden clearly lacked). So, that's more in the "he didn't foul it up" category rather than the "he's the reason it happened".

  12. ymarsakar5:02 PM

    Libya had the highest standard of living, until nato bombs. Fake news on qaddafi.

    Why do people continue to believe the fake news?

    One reveal drop has p hussein faking the bin laden hit. Burial at sea is not islamic. Iran found out, bit blackmail bil. Hussein was used by ds, to ax seal team six. Exactly as i told people at the time.

  13. Mike, pretty sure Mr. Melcher was being sarcastic.

  14. “Grim, I'll give you something you have wanted/wished for some time now. Right after I obliterate the Demoncrats from...., I'll start with the Republicans soon enough“

    Great. Somebody needs to do it.

  15. ymarsakar9:44 AM

    Friday 13th is coming up. Mass arrest/executions?

    By whom though... Q stuff perhaps.

    I heard some Washington DC 1 million march is scheduled for 14th. The 14th is also when Mars goes direct and the fires of war/anger will be at its peak.

    Wow, interesting. Whomever scripted this Divine Plan is....

    My original scheduled prediction was November 12th to 20th, election remains contested until that period. Right now Americans, mostly patriots, are in PTSD, shock and panick. Or were, they are getting angry now. But the true anger won't hit until Nov 14th.

    DC is outside of my territorial boundaries. I can only delegate it to the angels to protect the patriots.

  16. The thing with The Lincoln Project is that they are grifters and failed consultants who are looking for a new audience. Some applied to the Trump admin and were rejected. They hate Trump for a variety of reasons. This grift is why they ran campaigns against Susan Collins in Maine. She’s the opposite of what Trump is in many ways, but their hatred for Trump and the grift means they tried to defeat her. If they truly cared about a GOP freed from Trump but still beholden to its values, they’d support her.

  17. Bin Laden raid, OK, I buy that one. I had the impression it was done almost in spite of him, but he didn't actually scotch it.

  18. Bin Laden raid, OK, I buy that one.

    I won't, entirely. It's true enough Obama gave the Go Ahead (over Biden's repeated objections), but Obama's action was only to authorize the execution of Bush the Younger's already existing order. Nothing here originated with any Obama effort.

    Eric Hines
