Freedom is still worth pursuing

I'm taking a break from putting up "Celebrate! Unite!" signs in my front yard to read Jay Valentine's hope for success in various legal challenges to widespread vote fraud.  May some of it be true, and may we all support the legal challenges with money, attention, and refusal to be silenced.


  1. It would seem an open and shut case in Pennsylvania, even without invoking fraud beefs.

    Our Constitution is quite clear: State legislatures set the rules for how States conduct elections, including their roles in Federal elections, so long as those rules fit within our Federal Constitution.

    One of Pennsylvania's rules is that ballots--good, bad, or indifferent--received after 2000 on Election day cannot be counted. Full stop. The State's Governor even tried to get the State's legislature to change that last summer; the legislature explicitly refused to do so. Subsequent to that (indeed so far subsequent that these changes were finalized only days before the election), State Executive Branch officials--the Secretary of State and the Election Commission head--summarily extended the countable deadline to 3 days after election day. The Supreme Court (because the matter likely will go there) should rule those votes uncountable and must be tossed. Those votes number sufficiently to put Pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes into Trump's column.

    Similar--as in non-legislative--changes occurred in Wisconsin that affected thousands of votes for both candidates.

    Michigan has had two separate errors--operator errors that frankly look like honest mistakes--at the State legislature level that, when discovered, took apparent victories away from Progressive-Democrat candidates and awarded them to the Republicans. Sometimes State-level checks and balances work. Or maybe these were intended to be found so as to distract....

    Still on Michigan, one precinct had a computer error that awarded (through a programming mechanism that's unclear to me but that could be a bug rather than malware) Trump votes to Biden in the upper hundreds or low thousands. That has prompted a close look at the program, since it's used throughout Michigan--and Georgia and several other States. In an ideal world, that should at least prompt manual recounts in all precincts, nationwide, that used that software.

    Arizona and Nevada have their problems, too, but claims that they impacted the vote count in any serious way are much hazier.

    One reason I'd like to see these cases succeed and Trump get the Electoral College votes (Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan, if my arithmetic is any good, in aggregate change the apparent outcome) and reelection, aside from that reelection, is that I'd like to watch all of the NLMSM, whose pseudo-journalists have been gleefully gloating, have to deal with their failure. And to see Michelle Obama choke on her words.

    Eric Hines

    1. Eric, where are you seeing that removing those ballots would shift Pennsylvania into Trump’s column? Everything I have seen is that there are very few of those that were actually received.

  2. They will believe they were robbed, somehow, even though most will not be able to make an articulate argument about it. It will just feel like Biden won and somehow this went away. It must some evil thing, some cheating thing that Trump and the Republicans did.

    Look, Republicans say stupid stuff like that all the time, too. 50% of the population is below-average in intelligence, however you define that. It's not like liberals have all the stupid people who follow feelings instead of facts, just a higher percentage.

    Stay the course. If even one state is turned, or even close to turned it will provide a mandate - a real mandate - to fix our voting fairness state by state. I have a touching, innocent faith that if we get even close to fair elections, Republicans will win a lot of elections. (If we had fair media also, the change in balance would be so great that it would cause a realignment of parties pretty quickly. Anything more than 60-40 has proved unstable in America. The party with the 60% gets too many people with big heads and devours itself.)

  3. Feeling cheated is the new normal. For four years I've heard how the Russians colluded and/or hacked and/or interfered with and/or stole and/or bought the 2016 election.

    What I haven't heard is exactly how that was accomplished.

    Nor have I heard what steps have been taken between 2016 and now to keep the Russians and/or the Chinese and/or Israel, the Brexiteers, George Soros, Elon Musk, the Koch Brothers, Mark Cuban, Boss Tweed and Mayor Daley, or anyone else from stealing, hacking, cheating or defrauding the 2000 election.

    If the 2016 Russian narrative is worth discussing, then ANY claim about the 2000 is equally worthy of discussion. To say the one is without evidence or baseless or unsubstantiated or a conspiracy theory is to say neither can ever be mentioned again.

  4. Anonymous9:20 PM

    If you look into the flaws in the Dominion voting machine software, it is more and more damning. Not necessarily "there was a huge conspiracy to [whatever]", but all the security holes, bugs and glitches, and other things. Texas considered those machines three times, and in each case rejected them. They cannot be used in Texas, due to the serious security flaws (starting with internet and cell-phone access "for tracking trends in real-time" and going downhill from there.)


  5. ymarsakar10:11 PM

    this is like .....

  6. "If even one state is turned, or even close to turned it will provide a mandate - a real mandate - to fix our voting fairness state by state. I have a touching, innocent faith that if we get even close to fair elections, Republicans will win a lot of elections."

    Hear, hear.

  7. ymarsakar7:48 AM

    Like I said I would, I am beginning to make them regret they ever messed with my territory in the state of Georgia, Texan/Grim.

    Nothing in this universe or multiverse can infringe upon the will of a Son of God.

    The psychological warfare effects of up and down crash, will be devastating to Demoncrat morale. As they think they have won the battle, I overturn the odds against them, and their morale breaks.

  8. ymarsakar7:49 AM

    Also, as I stated and predicted before the Nov 3 elections.. Up To 70 MILLION fake votes.

    If any part comes out past the fake news blockade... it's over.

  9. The campaign asserts, FWIW, that 2.75MM ballots are subject to some kind of disability. I think to get to that number you have to include any that were counted under conditions that improperly excluded watchers from both parties.

  10. "...internet and cell-phone access "for tracking trends in real-time"..."

    Ho-lee cow. Seriously? How could anyone with even the most simplistic knowledge of security allow such a thing??

  11. ymarsakar6:48 AM

    How could anyone with even the most simplistic knowledge of security allow such a thing??

    Same reason why Hussein disabled credit card fraud protections on donations.

    It makes things easier for money laundering.

    Humans tend to assume other humans act with the same motivations. So good people may have a prejudice into thinking other people are also good. And evil people will assume everyone is out to get x for their own benefit.
