Hispanic panic

I've lost count of the articles published in the last couple of weeks about the collapse of the craziest face of the Progressive movement in some of its most promising former strongholds. At Politico, Mark Caputo reports on the carnage:
Giancarlo Sopo, one of the Trump campaign's Hispanic communication strategists, who used to be a Democrat, said he has doubts about his former party’s ability to learn from Trump’s gains.
"Many Hispanics view the Democrats and their allies as moralistic snobs,” Sopo said. “No one wants to come home after a long day of work to be wokesplained that they need to change their language, stop buying Goya, and that they're bad people if they're concerned about border security.”
Maybe the damage wasn't enough this time to lose Biden the election, assuming he did win it, but 2022 looms:
“I’m worried that there is a chink in that armor — that what Trump did sends a signal that now allows more Latinos to feel like they have permission to think about the Republicans, that’s it’s perhaps socially acceptable to do so,” [said Carlos Odio, a Democratic co-founder of the Hispanic research firm EquisLabs]. “Right now, I think like, it's still limited ... but nobody knows how it’s going to play out.”
It's unbelievably dangerous to give people permission to think--almost as dangerous as it is to imply that they need your permission.


  1. Gringo1:04 PM

    Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley illustrates the change- in a big way. Trump got 18% of the Starr County vote in 2016 and 47% in 2020.

    Not everyone likes being preached at. As the article points out, if you act like a moralistic snob- as many Democrats do- don't be surprised that you are considered a moralistic snob. Which can be a problem for Democrats, as not everyone likes to identify himself with moralistic snobs. (himself as generic)

    Another issue is that Democrats push group identity very highly- group identity to the point of resenting other groups and excluding other groups. While Democrats claim to be "inclusive," their group identity emphasis very strongly implies "my group good, your group bad." When the Hispanic intermarriage rate is in the 35-40% rate, it is apparent that group identity to the exclusion of others doesn't always work for Hispanics.Yes, Hispanics are proud of who they are- just as I am proud of my background- but that doesn't mean Hispanics resent others. And the Democrat group identity push seeks out resentment.

  2. The Progressive-Democrats' group identity-pushing is especially pernicious when it comes to blacks. As I've mentioned already a time or two, these wonders don't even view blacks as human beings--just as crops of votes to be harvested every so often at need, and in the interim coated with manure to ripen them for the next harvest.

    If anyone needs to be taken out and shot in street like the dog whistles they are, it's the bigots of Party.

    Eric Hines

  3. ymarsakar9:20 AM

    They are running the same game on colored people now as before.

    3/5ths electoral representation vote, was a form of power harvesting.

    Slaves constituted not only economic wealth, but also religious and social leverage in the form of Manifest Destiny and priest backed status. Once the political benefits were mixed in, it was a perfect egg for a dark evil STS newbie satan to be born.


    Quite clever. They got 90% of US blacks with African ancestors or colored brown ancestors, voting for their own slavery, and 100% of them applies to the Leftist electoral votes. As well as Congress representation, now that the Senate is popularly selected.

    Not 3/5ths, 100% now.

    Hispanics may not understand this rigging intellectually, but they know it instinctively, due to Castro and Spanish corruption.

    It is quite clever, but there is no "human mastermind" in this conspiracy, contrary to what has been told to the pirates and racists (conspiracists vs conspiracies) by fake news.

    It is all Satan. Only an immortal entity that has not forgotten through death, can keep popping this strategy clever in and out of human history.

    Counter: That's just made up Satanic Ritual conspiracy stuff from days of yore.

    Y: Oh, what about Lin Wood, is he someone like Ymar?


    Key note, Satanic worship. Ties into the child trafficking, Hunter, HRC, Epstein, cabal.

    Nice. Real nice ,America. You really showing me how I am wrong and or stupid. Keep it up.

  4. ymarsakar9:27 AM

    conspiracists are basically treated as racists. It's the entire reason for the term.

    And conspiracies are real, and also illegal, that is why they charge people with conspiracies to do X. It's illegal, not necessarily immortal or evil.

    And the entire reason for a conspiracy is PIRACY. Piracies. To Get loot. To get gain. To get money. To get moola. To get sex slaves. To get resources to enslave even more humans.

    This is how it works. This is how they got Dominion. THis is Op Paperclip. This is the root of every dark and evil sh blight in America and on the face of the Earth.

    Satan's Pirates. And those that talk about it, are called racists. Conspiracists. I know it sounds stupid. It's a kind of Satanic joke.
