Great News

 Thanks to the Army, I've had the MMR vaccine at least three times.  I should be solid. 


  1. MMR stands for measles, mumps, and rubella. Your vaccinations are irrelevant to covid and provide no protection against it. If you're under 70, there is little risk of death, anyway.

  2. You didn’t read the article, I guess. Anyway the Post was mostly an opportunity to joke about the military penchant for losing medical records and making you retake mandatory childhood vaccinations “just in case” you didn’t get them.

  3. I've seen this study mentioned a couple of times, and maybe what's happening is a stronger activation of the immune system prior to a C19 infection. That seems to be a theme across all of these types of findings.

  4. the military penchant for losing medical records

    The ground-pounding segments, maybe. The flying corps turned our medical and dental records over to us for transport to the next duty station and our shot records over to us permanently. Any lost records were on us, not on the USAF.

    We had our own peccadilloes, like a bone doctor for a flight surgeon in Germany. Only a few years past my graduate degree in experimental psych, I knew more internal medicine than he did.

    Eric Hines

  5. I actually do have all copies of my shot records since Iraq, just so I can prove what I’ve had. Anthrax and smallpox! Not just childhood stuff.

  6. ymarsakar9:12 AM

    All kinds of problems exist with the hijacked vaccine technology, which fake news has suppressed until 2020.
