Feast of All Souls

It was a remarkable Halloween, astrologically at least:  the first full moon on Halloween since 1944, and a blue moon at that. Mushrooms sprang up here like I've never seen, indeed that I've never seen.

I played chess with a child who is learning the game, and not too badly; he lost of course, but not without showing some class. I saw his mother, an old friend, and gave her a gift that I hope she'll like. Her children brought laughter to a meadow I know. 

Children remind you that we always live in the morning of the world. We grow too old to recognize it, if we don't have them around. But every morning is fresh and new, if your eyes are young enough to see it. Every mushroom is a miracle, and every leaf, and every blade of grass. Chesterton was good on this subject, but reading him only reminds you of the facts. You don't experience it until you see the child encounter it anew and for the first time.

But there's always a new child, and it is always fresh. In the mind of God perhaps it never grows old; as Chesterton put it, "Our father is younger than we."


  1. ymarsakar4:08 AM

    Esoterically, the gateway to the spirit realm was also potent.

  2. GKC also wrote a riff on God asking the sun to rise: "Do It Again!" just like a child asking for another 'ride to the sky' on Dad's arms.

  3. Yes, I carried one of the children down to a waterfall on my back, piggyback style. I used to do that with my son when he was little. It's a joy to both, as long as you can still do it.

  4. as long as you can still do it.

    Nuff said, friend.
