Put the champagne on ice

"Americans value liberty; we will see to our own safety."


  1. Did you mean to link something to that, or is just an aphorism of your own?

  2. Maybe the correct link is this one: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/10/thoughts-from-the-ammo-line-348.php

    Eric Hines

  3. ymarsakar7:56 AM


    Vigano and Flynn are getting in on it too. More Ymars popping up.

    I linked the Vigano letter to Trump, Trump's retweet of it, and Flynn's usage of the same terminology "children of darkness vs children of light", in previous comments.

    This is a more recent letter.

  4. ymarsakar8:02 AM

    A simple question. Is Ymar a psychiatric paranoia case that is making stuff up?

    If so, then what about public figures like Vigano, Flynn, and Trump, are they "all making" stuff up? Surely, that can't be so. Besides, Vigano, Flynn, and Trump are not dysfunctional nor are they "anonymous" like Ymar. You all can see how effective or dysfunctional their lives really are. Did Flynn get traumatized by the gov so much he is pretending and larping it up to make himself feel better?

    If that were so, perhaps it would be more psychologically comfortable to health professionals, psychiatrists, and Americans. But it is because the truth is difficult to deal with, that people go into rationalizations and escape methods like that.

    I hope people are not surprised at this minor Biden stuff. It is less than 1% of the vampiric cabal, aka the Deep State. China is involved? Does not surprise me. I told Americans years ago that the Deep State was not just an American thing but a world thing.

    The reason why patriots shouldn't ignore the Ymars of this world, is because it affects their individual fates and the fate of their nations, tactically, strategically, and logistically. It kind of matters, you know, whether there are real vampires you need to destroy in this little civil war of America's.

  5. I don't even mind the equation of trading freedom for security that much. A rational individual might choose that. What bothers me is when we make that trade we end up with neither. It is rather like Screwtape's direction to his nephew that the greatest fun is taking the patient's soul and giving nothing in return.

  6. AVI, security and freedom:

    "To minimize suffering and to maximize security were natural and proper ends of society and Caesar. But then they became the only ends, somehow, and the only basis of law—a perversion. Inevitably, then, in seeking only them, we found only their opposites: maximum suffering and minimum security."

    --Walter Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz

  7. Miller said it much better. Thanks.

  8. Such a good book, always worth a re-read.
