"Will you shut up, man?"

After Biden refused to say whether he'd pack the Supreme Court, inanely responding that he didn't want to make it an issue in the election while people were trying to vote, Zerohedge warned what would happen if Biden's party claws its way into the White House and a Senate majority:
You see, the hard-left Democrat party views our American political system the same way Turkey president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan viewed democracy before becoming a dictator for life: “Democracy is like a train. We shall get out when we arrive at the station we want.” This time around, once the Democrats win, they will change the rules so they can never lose again.
As the t-shirts put it (our modern copybook headings), Trump has his personality issues, but the other side is completely insane. Although we have two rather unappealing personalities in the race, the choice between the parties' ideas couldn't be more stark.


  1. This is literally THE issue for me. If they do pull off the win they expect, and if they DO move to pack the court, I will view that as the breaking point where armed resistance becomes the only option. If you change the rules to ensure your political opponents cannot win you are no longer a legitimate government. And were I a member of the Supreme Court, I would absolutely refuse to seat a tenth "Justice" and actively seek intervention from the military to prevent such a thing.

    Yes, I am indeed aware the court hasn't ALWAYS been 9. But it has been since the Civil War. An expansion at this point only is for one purpose, and that is to invalidate the status quo and ensure only one political side has any chance to run the government (as a liberal Supreme Court would simply strike down anything a conservative government proposes; including, I suspect, a court packing of their own).

  2. As an Argentine commented on another blog- "we thought we were voting on policy, we did not realize we were voting on a system of government". Sums it up pretty well.

  3. An expansion at this point only is for one purpose, and that is to invalidate the status quo and ensure only one political side has any chance to run the government....

    And we already have a Progressive-Democratic Party precedent for precisely this motive, even though the effort wound up failing legislatively that time, for all that that President ultimately succeeded in stacking the Court with law-is-what-we-say-it-is Justices through more standard means.

    Eric Hines
