Low expectations

 Ed Morrissey argues that Joe Biden should quit while he's ahead:

What else is there left to prove? Biden and his team might calculate that they and the “moderators” can get Trump to say some damaging things in these debates, and that might be true. Of course, Trump can do that without debates, and there’s an almost equal risk for Biden on that same score … theoretically, anyway. His declaration that he won’t take a position on court-packing lest it become an issue in the election was one of the worst dodges in a presidential debate, maybe ever. Biden’s declaration that “the party is me” was also rather risible, especially since he then disclaimed any blame for what his party does or advocates. In a media world with more objectivity, as Jazz noted earlier, Biden’s honesty and integrity would be getting more scrutiny this morning along with Trump’s.
Even if the risk is not the same, neither is the reward. Getting back on stage with Trump changes the expectations game from will Biden fall asleep to will Biden take positions and what are they. It allows Trump to tune his game a bit better, or at least have the opportunity to do so and correct the impression left from this debate. What’s the upside for Biden in a second debate, let alone two more?

1 comment:

  1. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    For all the well deserved derision that Chris Wallace is going to get today, he did hit the nail on the head a few weeks ago when discussing Trump's appearance on his show, and Biden ducking one. You may not like the answers but Trump's taking the questions. You may not like the rallies but Trump's out there campaigning.

    Trump got up this morning and started being President again.

    What is Joe Biden doing this morning?

    Backing away now, without a fundamental change in his campaign strategy, is going to be an admission that Biden had only one marginally acceptable performance in him. Meanwhile, Trump is likely to be out there hustling every day for the next 30 days until Nov 3.
