Plausible deniability

The phrase that may define Biden's career as "modified limited hangout" defined Nixon's. There's still a nearly complete traditional press blackout of this story, the only exceptions being the New York Post and Tucker Carlson's show on Fox.


  1. NPR pre-emptively declared the whole thing a 'distraction' and not a real story last week, so all my NPR-listening liberal friends think they know everything they need to know.

  2. The Wall Street Journal editorial page is covering it.

    The Ds who comment on my Facebook page will say only that it's mere "allegations," not something that deserves attention. The irony of this contrast with the level of scrutiny required for allegations to support an impeachment is entirely invisible to them.

  3. It is amazing to observe.

    Brett Kavanaugh: 'These allegations, though completely unsupported and some of them highly implausible, require a renewed FBI investigation, another round of Senate hearings, and maybe we should kill his nomination just to be safe.'

    Donald Trump: 'This salacious and unverified dossier really requires an investigation, FISA warrants, and a Special Counsel. Also, this perfectly legal request for an investigation into a crime by Hunter Biden requires impeachment.'

    Michael Flynn: 'These rumors require a full-scale FBI investigation, Crossfire Razor, which completely cleared him on every point. So we prosecuted him anyway based on an interview designed to provoke a false claim, which we can't prove he made because we destroyed the only original records and substituted an edited copy. Send him to prison.'

    Hunter & Joe: 'These are just allegations! So their former CEO, a veteran Navy officer, is willing to go on the record... and produce documents... and emails... voice mails... texts... photos... phone conversations...'

  4. ymarsakar4:12 AM

    Like I said. The Leftist alliance obeys orders. And the Deep State also have their orders from the Vampiric Cabal.

    This is one big mafia organization, people. It's not just some rogue CIA/FBI bureaucrats in this limited hangout "Deep State" Republicans thought to themselves in 2015 (due to the Alt Right disclosing the Deep State's existence).

    This is why fringe conspiracies exist, as a community.

    This is also why I thought only the future would be able to prove Ymar, after 2007, because there is not enough information, even open source, for most people to connect the dots.

    It is impractical or impossible for them to figure out they are inside a Matrix.

  5. ymarsakar4:14 AM

    Grim, I do not truly understand how it can be amazing. Is it amazing a private obeys orders to fire or to retreat, on the field of battle?

    Perhaps it spells a certain level of obedience and loyalty but "amazing" isn't exactly my reaction.

    Wait until they obey orders to frag themselves or fall on their swords. That would be amazing, indeed.
